Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sometimes, no, all the time when talking about myself, the subject of food arises.  I have a direct path from emotion straight to food.  My emotions are connected to my family and then here we are right back to food.  When I feel good, eating healthy and exercising I'm usually in a great mood, patient with my family and life seems easy.  When I am eating senselessly and lazily lounging I become irritable and even unorganized.  There must be a correlation!  Makes perfect sense to me.  I was raised with food as the center of everything we did, from day to day excitement, sadness, fear, and even boredom.  Food was plentiful and it made life exciting when there was nothing to do or when there was something to do.  Healthy food was presented to me in balanced meals three times a day.  I also ate snacks and plenty of left overs.  I was also an athlete.  My life was centered around my survival to be strong and healthy.  Regardless, I learned early on to connect my emotions to food whether it was healthy food or not.  Everyone deals with hard times differently.  When food is a primary role in your life it can become obsessive for the good or for the bad.  My family is my main accomplishment and in raising my family food played an amazing role.  Good? Bad? It really doesn't matter, it is what it is.   I can share my experiences and I feel confident there are many other women walking down my same road and for that I am dearly thankful!!

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