I'll probably have laxatives as my advertisements on my blog now!! Which btw, never use those things!! I mean never!!!!!! I know of an awesome herb remedy that is cheap and so effective! (OH...I hate that word, affective, effective) I swear no matter how hard I study that, I can't seem to get that right!! I should call my English Teacher friend! : 0 I've changed the word twice now!! Ok, you probably got the meaning and maybe you can comment the correction here, I'd appreciate it! ; ) My boys said I had a follower on my blog and we all started to laugh, I was SO excited, I couldn't stand it. I screamed YEAH, I have a follower. William got the brainy idea to click on the link to see who was following me!! OMG!! To my surprise it was ME!! Yes, you can imagine what kind of grief I suffered after that!! Anyway, I want followers...so click away! My realtor is not calling me, EVER! I'm pissed! But, there is this stupid, "do the right thing angel" flying around in my head at all times, it's annoying! "be patient, be patient, be patient" ugh! My advice to my 19 year old last week, was be patient son, you have the world by the tail, make wise choices and it will be worth it! OMG, can I NOT take my own advice!! That, my friend, is my biggest problem, taking my own advice! No, actually, I have talked myself through all my problems! I have realized, the wiser I get, we have ALL the answers within us, we just need to stop and listen to it!! I will miss my peaceful home here. I once lived a crazy life here and definitely can say I found peace here too!! : ) LOVE TO ALL......
namaste' (bow) ac
namaste' (bow) ac
Ann, you crack me up! Hey, I'll be a follower....hehehe! Add me to the list! Sorry you are not inundated with phone calls....the right buyer is right around the corner...patience dearie! And you are right, you have the answers in side you...just be still long enough to hear it.