Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bladder Infection

November 23, 2010
Had an unusual weekend, therefore, I think my health was compromised.  I worked my second job Saturday and Sunday along came extra stress and lack of sleep.  Monday I had diarrhea (very very unusual) for me!  Tuesday I woke up with an ache from the top of my shoulder down the right side across my thigh down the back of the calf into my ankle. (ugh!)  Around 8:30am my back started to ache and I realized I might have a bladder infection.  Yes, a doctor visit entered my mind...but first, let me try something.  I juiced 2 lemons drank that down first.  Next, I juiced 2 cups of spinach, 2 carrots and an apple after drinking that I filled a quart jar with reverse osmosis water and drank two of those.  Finally, I juiced two more lemons with 1 cup of spinach.  After all that juice, three hot baths, 40 minutes of Yoga and a time lapse of 3 1/2 hours I felt so much better.  Now for a quality night sleep, tomorrow will be better!!! 


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