Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Stress

***shrugging shoulders and laughing***  I can remember my most stressful holidays and now can laugh it off and be thankful I know how to make my holidays everything I want them to be!  How did I do that?  Well, first I hit rock bottom and then decided I wasn't going to do that anymore.  Today I can encourage my young adult children as they hit the holidays in stress these are learning experiences.  Take tradition and throw it away!  Now do what you want.  If you want pizza for breakfast, forget the dusting, forgo the Christmas tree this year, do it!  I LOVE my life now, including holidays.  It takes time to get old tapes out of your head of what is expected, old traditions and even guilt.  Time is our friend.  Embrace time with passion and patience and let go of what feels bad!  No-one really cares but you!  In the end you will find happiness and a life of no stress! 
Happy Solstice!  Today is my favorite day of the year! 


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