Thursday, October 7, 2010


LoL!  Not funny, but I fell while trying to help my hubby in the barn.  I was standing on a milk crate, rolled my foot and fell on my arm.  I was pretty banged up.  Took an emercency room visit and thankfully no broken bones.  I suppose "my direction" of my blog won't be Exercise at this time!  I was headed out to go run when hubby asked me to help him.  I had been running 5-7 miles daily.  Now I am finally able to walk normal again!  My ankle is still swollen and my arm is still bruised but I will recover soon.  I've been focusing on my book, "Why My Boys Dance", a journey in the life of raising 5 boys as they come into the persons they want to be and my success's and struggles along the way!  Chapters including:  My Expectations, My Divorces, Our Country Life, School, Nutrition, The Hyper Active Child, and Happiness. 

More to come,

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