Friday, August 27, 2010

Mumble Jumble

Better sign in to my blog and get to blogging before the "mommy monster" comes after me.  I opened my mother into the world of blogging.  She didn't hear from me in a couple of days so she thought she could catch up with me here.  AND there was no new news!!  So many things to talk about.  I could continue my saga of the mortgage lending nightmare, no.  Or my good morning friend named, "head cold" that woke me up this morning, no.  Well, I could talk about my amazing JUICE I've been drinking.  Aww, its my fav.  It's a staple for life, um, one of them anyway.  I've been juicing 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 apple and 4-6 carrots in my handy dandy juicer that extracts the pulp (fiber), namely Juice Extractor Hamilton Beach.  I recommend doing this only when juicing greens.  I use my "GODLY" Vita-Mixer for my fruits, protein shakes and smoothies.  FIBER is important so don't think I am ALL about the extractor.  I just like to get a large amount of greens in each day and "ME NOT DRINKING" greens in my vita-mixer I can't stomach it, no matter what.  Again (from previous posts), if we must, talk about William.  He hears that juicer and he comes running.  HE LOVES my green drink.  I have to share and I am quite stingy!  Another Little Willie story....I use to juice my greens and then mix the juice in his baby cereal when he was just starting to eat solid foods. adorably sweet was that.  He has the most amazing taste buds I have ever known!  I think he has super duper taste bud powers.  That boy has to have TASTE when he is eating.  He needs at least a three course meal at a time and he doesn't want anything breaded or greasy, man!!  He wants TASTE!  I told my husband, I CAN'T take it!!  YOU FEED HIM.  He takes after his dad in the area, so guess what, he feeds him!  Well, ya know, since I am such perfect picture of health, and I am Miss Healthy, runner person, I gotta sign off, cuz I am really SICK, (sadly, again)....I'm getting concerned about this.  Oh, I know its!  Well, whatever it is, most likely lack of sleep, mounds of running and little stress from that dern, mortgage company!   p.s. that ended today at 1:00.  YEP, refinancing, complete!

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