Monday, June 7, 2010


June 7, 2010-Figured out today I have been consciously eating raw foods for 10 years, though have always had a love for raw fruits and veggies my entire life!! Wowee!! Been juicing for 12 years.....gosh! Thats awesome!! The last 5 years have been super duper rough. Hubby and I have been climbing a mountain for 5 years and guess what? We got to the top!! We are so excited! Its been a long haul, but we got there. I have been eating packaged/processed foods mindlessly and I've been depressed a lot! ugh!! So working my way back to my healthy ways....and helping others out along the way! I have been running a little bit and doing yoga occasionally. So, want to work on getting my routine back!! .....its a good raw day!



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